28/m fever since 5 days

28 year old male with c/o fever since 5 days with chills
Pt was apparently asymptomatic 6days back when he developed fever with chills and rigors..high grade
Sudden onset resolved now

2 episodes of vomitings 2 days back, bilious, non projectile, non blood stained
No Malena, hemoptysis, hematemesis
No h/o rash
No h/o loose stools

N/k/c/o DM, htn, tb, ba, Epilepsy

Pt is c/c/c
TEMP- 99.5°f
Bp- 110/80mmhg
Pr- 81 BPM
RR- 18cpm
CVS- S1 S2 heard
Rs- BAE (+)
P/A- soft non tender


DX: Viral Pyrexia with Thrombocytopenia

IVF - ns, RL at 100ml/hr
Inj Pantop 40mg iv od
Inj ZOFER 4mg iv SOS
T. Dolo 650 mg po/sos
Daily postural bp monitoring
Temp charting 4th hrly

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